"It is our aspiration that all people of Amsterdam with disabilities have an opportunity to become participants in our city"

social affairs

Social institutions and projects can offer work and day services for lower public costs. What do they need to achieve this? Clients and social service providers!

Since the decentralization of the AWBZ to Wmo (these are both social programs that assist with health care costs of certain target groups), the responsibility of providing support and participation of a large group of community members has fallen to the municipality of Amsterdam. There are now fewer means available than ever from the AWBZ to provide for this. Social institutions have not only the objectives of the various enterprises to consider but also the goal of providing (volunteer) work to people with (vocational) impairments. By way of these employment services, they can help the city in supporting this group of citizens that were previously aided by AWBZ. To achieve this, the sector must grow, thus providing more work for social institutions and social participation projects in Amsterdam.

De Omslag has put social entrepreneurship on the agenda. And with much success. After a manifesto, a conference and the creation of “Amsterdam Platform of Social Firms”, De Omslag has proven that possibilities exist to strengthen social firms and social entrepreneurship. The goal is to maintain or even increase the amount of (vocational) participation possibilities for those who are more vulnerable. A digital showcase for social firms and projects has in the meantime already been successfully launched and in collaboration with the municipality we are promoting procurement, socially responsible business and social return. www.socialezaken.info

For more in-depth and current information please visit the section of the site “Amsterdam Platform of Social Firms” :http://deomslag.nl/nl/platform

Site by Alsjeblaft!