"It is our aspiration that all people of Amsterdam with disabilities have an opportunity to become participants in our city"

Social Affairs

Social institutions and projects can offer work and day services for lower public costs. What do they need to achieve this? Clients and service providers! The website www.socialezaken.info offers a snapshot of social affairs in Amsterdam.

People that fall behind due to an illness or handicap have a harder time returning to the job market. Due to the decentralization of the AWBZ and the associated cutbacks, there is not as much wiggle room financially to aid in a return to (job)participation.

Social organizations add value to the current trends such as MVO and social sustainability. The municipality of Amsterdam reinforces it’s policies with procurement and Social Return.

This website offers an overview of the social affairs in Amsterdam. Besides organizations that give work to those with employment handicaps, there are also social projects: entrepreneurs in the care industry offer meaningful day services with a selection of services and products.

Site by Alsjeblaft!