"It is our aspiration that all people of Amsterdam with disabilities have an opportunity to become participants in our city"

Buy Wisely

Yes, let’s start! This spring we are working together with MKB Amsterdam in the European project Buy Wisely. This is a fantastic opportunity to strengthen the cooperation between social firms and mainstream SMEs!

collaboration WISEs and SMEs

Buy WISEly aims to improve cooperation between social enterprises that realize labor integration (WISEs) and regular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the countries involved. We do this by establishing and promoting transactional partnerships, such as trade relationships, for a sustainable buy social B2B market. In addition, we want to work together in the field of labor integration in order to solve labor market shortages and to ensure that people with a distance to the labor market can integrate into the regular labor market.

We have specific objectives such as

  • raising awareness of the added value of “social” B2B markets
  • encouraging the involvement of SMEs in supporting upskilling pathways for disadvantaged groups to facilitate their access to the mainstream labor market;
  • strengthening the operational and financial capacity of WISEs to cooperate with SMEs, the so-called “trade readiness”;
  • development of transactional partnerships through concrete actions between WISEs and SMEs.

Numerous activities are planned for the next 18 months. We will collect good practices, organize engagement sessions and strong exchanges between representatives of WISEs and SMEs. Furthermore, sustainability and scalability actions will follow to promote the long-term effect of the project results. And we will of course keep you informed about this.

international cooperation

We work with WISE networks and organizations of SMEs from Austria, the Netherlands, Italy, Ireland, Romania and Latvia. This is a project for representatives and managers of WISEs and SMEs, and their interest groups and networks in all partner countries.

We can’t wait to get started and work together for a better future for everyone!
You can find the flyer here

Site by Alsjeblaft!